Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Effectiveness and Growth - The Ultimate Goal

The instructional coach’s goal is to impact instructional effectiveness and help raise students’ achievement.  Therefore, instructional coaches are a vital component in the school and school system as they can collaborate with and assist teachers in both the delivery of instruction and implementation of researched-based practices.  All teachers have a vested interest in improving their craft as their goal is to improve students’ learning and achievement.  In order to allow teachers to have some control over and choices about their professional learning, instructional coaches provide on-going and continuous learning opportunities. These professional learning activities are aligned with performance outcomes. This type of professional development is focused on the purpose of both, teacher and student success.  Through on-going and continuous professional development, opportunities are provided in which teachers can gain a deeper understanding of and address problems associated with their practice.  To improve their craft, teachers need resources, support, and feedback.  Working with an instructional coach who can help teachers incorporate researched based practices in the classroom setting helps to promoting student achievement and improve teacher performance.What does an instructional coach do? Below is a short video about what they do from the the perspective of actual instructional coaches.

By having instructional coaches assigned to each school within my school’s district, teachers are provided with opportunities for peer coaching and collaboration as well as co-planning, modeling, observation, feedback, and reflection all of which leads to effective teaching strategies. In our school and district, Instructional coaches work alongside the teacher as they co-plan lessons and differentiate teaching strategies that support all learning styles and modalities.  Our instructional coach promotes a collaborative environment where teachers feel valued and appreciated. Furthermore, our coach supports and encourages teachers.  She is also viewed as a peer.  In addition, she is someone who collaborates and reflects with us in regards to our teaching and learning practices in a non-threatening and supportive manner.  Through a partnership, our coach makes it seem easy and possible for us to successfully implement new instructional methods into our practice.  The nature of the instructional coaching process allows for continuous communication between our coach and teachers. Thus, everyone is learning from one another. Because our instructional coach has a deep understanding of content as well as pedagogy, she is able to use conferences, workshops, and meetings along with data to initiate conversations and reflection (Marzano & Simms, 2016, p. 213). All of the efforts of the teachers and instructional coach are accomplished through the mindset of improving our teaching practices and increasing student achievement.  

Marzano, R., & Simms, J. (2013). Coaching in the classroom: The classroom strategies series. Indiana: Marzano Research.

Thomas, E, Bell, D., Spelmen, M., & Briody, J. (2015).  The growth of instructional coaching partner conversations in prek-3 grade teacher professional development experience. Journal of Adult Education, 44(2), 1-6. 

Instructional Coaching Image retrieved from

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fear Not, The Instructional Coach...

The goal and purpose for the school is for students to learn, develop deeper thinking, and master learning outcomes.  This can only be accomplished through good pedagogy.  Therefore, teachers and instructional coaches should strive to create a learning community in which all members are engaged in the learning process.  With the advancements in technology there has been a shift in the classroom as teachers and student roles have changed. For many years, the lecture has been the instructional strategy used most by teachers. Today, teachers are no longer effective when using the traditional teacher-centered approach.  Instead, effective teachers use a student-centered approach that incorporates cooperative learning and collaboration activities along with technology and its tools.  Learning does not take place in isolation. Thus, teachers should encourage student interactions, cooperative learning, and collaboration as this leads to higher achievement.  One of the challenges of today’s classroom teachers is to create learning experiences which include meaningful use of technology.  Students use technology on a daily basis and possess basic communication, social media, and information skills.  However, these skills alone do not ensure or promote higher order thinking and deeper learning skills which will be of upmost importance for them in the 21st century workplace and global economy. 

Computers and technological tools have many effective ways for enhancing and supporting student learning.  Yet, some still view technology as an addition to the curriculum and they resort to the lower levels of technology use in the classroom. Which in turn results in ineffective learning experiences and technology use.  One cause for this is that some teachers may feel inadequate about or uncomfortable with technology and its uses, Often times, they plan learning activities such as educational games, drill and practice, or online assessments as a way to bring the technology into class.  Again this is another ineffective, low level way to present and incorporate technology in the classroom setting.

As with other areas of concerns in the classroom, teachers can turn to their instructional coaches for support. The knowledge and skills of an instructional coach may help teachers in the implementation of technology and improve content instruction by using best practices. To achieve deeper learning outcomes with technology, teachers and instructional coaches must create a learning community.  In this learning community through collaboration, co-planning, modeling, co-teaching, feedback, and reflection, the teacher and the instructional coach build a relationship of trust. This trusting relationship is based on the commitment of learning to do something better for the students while working together to in planning effective learning experiences. The following short video gives a short overview the coaching cycle and what an instructional coach can do to support professional development and teacher learning.  

The first step in creating learning projects that embrace technology is to determine a teacher’s need for her classroom. This will require a needs assessment  which should be completed by the teacher.  The needs assessment helps the teacher to think critically about the use of technology, resources available, and support that she will need to effectively facilitate the use of technology in her classroom.  Once a needs assessment is completed, the teacher and instructional coach will need to debrief and discuss the types of resources available as well as how the resources can enhance instruction and the ways in which the teacher can use the resources to facilitate instruction.  After the debrief session, the instructional coach will model the effective use of technology and provide opportunities for the teacher to explore the effective use of technology in the classroom environment (Trach, 2014, p. 13).  Then the teacher and instructional coach will look at the modeling experience and design a technology activity for the teacher to model and coach to observe.  The teacher and the instructional coach will then reflect on the teacher's lesson to evaluate its effectiveness, how well the technology supported the goals, and what adjustments need to be made for future technology rich activities.  Through the coaching continuum of collaborative planning, modeling of lessons, teacher-directed post-conference, observing the lesson, collaborative data, and continued support, teachers can meet the goals they have set for themselves and their students (Marzano & Simms, p. 207).  

 The teacher is often called the single most important factor in student achievement.  Therefore, opportunities for teachers to grow and learn through effective professional development should be on-going, meaningful, focused on scientifically researched-based approaches.  Thus, the instructional coach provides the teacher with embedded, on going professional development. Effective instructional practices and successful pedagogy always remains the same.  However, in today’s technology rich culture, it is more important than ever that student is engaged in learning experiences that are supported through technology and its tools. 

Marzano, R., & Simms, J. (2013). Coaching in the classroom: The classroom strategies series. Indiana: Marzano Research.

Trach, S. (2014). Inspired instructional coaching. Principal, 13-16. Retrieved from

Image Retrieved from

YouTube Video Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Promoting Excellence: It is Good for You


The idea behind educational coaching is providing high quality professional development which addresses areas of weakness or problems that teachers face every day in the classroom. Professional development offered by educational coaches encompasses on site, long term, and collaborative teaching and learning experiences focused on improving teacher and student performance. The instructional coaching method is unlike traditional professional development sessions and workshops where skills and strategies are taught in isolation.  Through coaching, teachers are provided with classroom experiences and skills. Moreover, teachers experience growth during the coaching process by developing skills through goal setting, observations, modeling, and reflection. Thus, the purpose of instructional coaching is to help identify problems that a teacher may be faced with and guide them in discovering potential solutions. As an educational coach focuses on and strives to change teaching behaviors, she begins by asking probing questions. These questions help the teacher reflect on and analyze any concerns or issues she may have inside her classroom. An instructional coach will review any important data with the teacher and ask her what she notices and areas of concern. Together, they can then select growth goals (Marzano & Simms, 2013, p.28) or areas in which the teacher feels she wants or needs to improve.  Teachers are given choices throughout the coaching process. By leading a teacher toward her goal, she takes ownership of her own learning and is more likely to change behaviors or put strategies into practice.

The coaching model helps in supporting the life longing learning, innovative practices, and collaborative processes which allows a teacher to create more authentic learning experiences for her students.  Many coaches strive to provide counsel and hand on assistance along with content and pedagogical knowledge. The educational coach conveys these skills and strategies through modeling. Then in a constructivist approach, the teacher is allowed to incorporate any strategies, skills, and knowledge into her own classroom environment. The coaching experience is one where there is a partnership approach to collaboration and where teachers are gently guided to make decisions.  Educational coaching has been promising in the areas of developing teacher skills and strategies and raising student achievement.   Most educational coaches are experienced, highly accomplished, and well-respected educators who possess a trust with other teachers.  Because of the candid and collaborative nature of educational coaching, a successful coach would possess character traits which keep them from providing teachers with solutions to problems. A trusting relationship between a coach and a teacher is important as teachers grow professionally through the actual practice and ongoing development (Marzano & Simms, 2013, p.10). This trusting relationship is key as teachers who do not trust their coaches will not be open to learning experiences, regardless of the coach’s expertise and knowledge. The predictive outcome of a successful collaborative relationship between a coach and a teacher would be improved student achievement.  Through the collaborative coaching experience, the teacher can become empowered with new knowledge, skills, and strategies.

Marzano, R., & Simms, J. (2013). Coaching in the classroom: The classroom strategies series. Indiana: Marzano Research

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Great Training Design - Makes Me Wanna Dance!


            Great instructional design is a training method that is goal oriented and learner centered.  This systematic approach provides the foundation needed for trainees to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully complete a job related task or produce a product.  The ADDIE model is an instructional design tool often used to plan training and activities.  This model contains five stages that guide the designer in providing a well organized, purposeful, and meaningful experience related to the training goals.  A skilled instructional designer spends a great deal of time in the analysis portion of the ADDIE model.  During this first phase, the creator must seek to understand the characteristics of their audience and identify the objectives or goals of the training.  There are constraints such as time allowed, costs, and facility availability that must also be considered.  Furthermore, there are options in the delivery that can impact the presentation. Careful consideration should be given to the type of delivery system as one delivery system might work better than another based on the task and audience needs.  Great instructional design should always be student centered and focus on the objectives.  In his book, Piskurich (2015), spends a great deal of time explaining the importance of student centered and objective focused training. Training which is planned with this is forethought will lead to a design that is meaningful, engaging, and purposeful. 
            During the design phase, objectives and assessments are chosen and correlated. Just as with the analysis phase, this phase is done in a logical and systematic way with great attention to details.  These details are important in the next phase of the model, the development phase.  Content created is assemble, reviewed and revised during the development phase of the ADDIE model. For the implementation phase, the training is presented to the learners according to methods and strategies outlined in the first three.  Then the trainees are asked to provide feedback and suggestions for improving any aspects of the design. This information is used to evaluate and revise the training as necessary and is known as the evaluation phase. 
            Before reading Piskurich’s book about instructional design, I did not know that the needs of adult learners were as important as students' needs in a learning environment.  I, also, did not know there was an specific systematic approach for design training for the industrial environment. One thing I changed after reflecting on my own instructional design is the way in which my learners will engage with the content.  My training will cover Google Classroom and how to implement it in a classroom setting.  During my research into the needs of my audience, I discovered that my they did not have the prerequisite skills needed in order to set up their Google Classroom.  I had chosen this as my topic because I had implemented into my classroom and they had asked me to help them do so as well.   So, I had to revise my design to fit my students' needs.  I will begin my training with Google email (Gmail) and chunk pieces of it together until we accomplish the goal of implementing Google Classroom into their classrooms.  Another change as well is the addition of a blended learning experience where trainees will be enrolled in my Google Classroom. This will allow them to see and experience what their students will after they setup their own. I will also follow up with them after training is complete and require them to provide evidence of their classroom experiences.  I look forward to seeing them go paperless and experience the ease of grading.
         I recently attended a training session about how to disrupt poverty in our schools as part of professional development in my school.  As a teacher, I have attended many training sessions over the years. Yet, this one was different as I found myself checking to see if it contained great instructional design and it did. This presenter had done her homework and we were engaged and actively participating in the learning process.  She blended the learning experiences, used many different visuals, provided us with graphic organizer, and had us moving and talking with one another through various activities. The time flew by and we learned much.  After the meeting was over, a friend and I asked her if she had ever heard of instructional design and she stated she had not.  Then we explained to her about the components of her training and how those components were exciting for us to note.       

Works Cited

Davis, A. (2013). Using instructional design principles to develop effective information literacy instruction: The ADDIE model. College & Research Libraries News, 74(4) 205-207. Retrieved from

Hicks, T. (2013). Crafting web texts. In T. Antao (Ed.), Crafting digital writing: Composing  texts across media and genres. (pp. 36-60). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Teachers be like...Flipped Out!

In Chapter 11 of Piskurich’s book about instructional design, I was interested in the flipped classroom portion (p. 453).  Being a classroom teacher with students who have one to one devices, I have been curious about flipping my classroom.  My understanding is that in this type of classroom setting students do the opposite of what they would usually do in the traditional classroom.  In a flipped classroom, students view lectures, watch videos, and read at home prior to attending class. Then in the classroom, students participate in discussions or projects. One could describe the flipped classroom as an environment where the homework is done at school and the school work (lectures or videos) is done at home. I have experienced the flipped classroom as part of professional development offered over the summer in my school district.  For our PD, we had to view videos and complete a science notebook prior to attending training.  By completing these assignments at home, it allowed us to spend valuable time in discussing how we might use some of the tools and techniques  effectively in our classroom.  Learning is a social activity, so I enjoyed learning from other teachers and discussing how we would implement the PD skills into our classrooms. Throughout a week of training, I gained essential knowledge and skills to take back to my classroom. Through this type of PD, the participants, including myself, developed the background knowledge about strategies and methods for teaching science through hands on experiences. This allowed us to spend more time discussing and experimenting with less time spent in lecture or reading. Furthermore, we spent more time actively engaged in meaningful, hands on learning experiences that we could take back to the classroom to our students. 


            For me, Piskurich offered another important tip about developing effective instructional design. In Chapter 8 of his book, he mentions software.  I found it interesting that he does not expect an instructional designer to reinvent the wheel (so to speak).  He mentions that there are some “really great packages out there that can help you mightily” as an instructional designer (p. 354).  This has caused me think about my own training content.  My first thought was that everything had to be reinvented or started from scratch which seemed like an overwhelming task in developing content.  Yet, in his book, he conveys the idea that is permissible to use software in your design as long as it “matches the way you like to do instructional design” (p.354). This could be helpful to the instructional designer, especially, when planning multiple trainings across many discipline areas with various types of learners and learning environments. 

            Throughout his book, Piskurich never forgets the importance of the learner, their needs, and how they learn best. Although, he presents a systematic way to design instruction, he focuses on ways to engage the trainee in the process of active learning. He has included activities and game ideas which could be added into training sessions making them more appealing and engaging to the learner (p. 224). As a teacher who plans classroom instruction, I also seek to include meaningful activities and games which engage my students in the learning process.  These activities and games are always planned, purposeful, and student centered.  In addition, they match my instructional objectives.   Just as any great teacher does, Piskurich never forgets to focus on the student or trainee first and he emphasizes the importance of great objectives. My belief is that these are key to great instructional design.   

Works Cited

Flipped Learning Organization. (2016). What is flipped learning? Retrieved from

Piskurich, G. (2015). Doing it right: Development. Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right (pp. 203-261). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. 

Flipped Classroom Youtube. Retrieved from